Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Super Food?

Hello there Bacon Fans-

For years the adverse affects of bacon on a person's health, mainly in the heart region, have been widely accepted. To this I say, pish posh. Recently it was brought out in a study by a Dr. Nathan Bryan from the University of Texas at Houston that the nitrates found in bacon formerly believed to cause cancer, could now be attributed to emergency heart health. This is the excerpt from the article on the website for 9 news now out of maryland and virginia:

"A researcher at the University of Texas in Houston says go ahead, eat that bacon. Dr. Nathan Bryan believes bacon is good for your heart. In fact, he says it could stop a heart attack.

Earlier research said bacon should be avoided because it contains nitrates. That research found nitrates could lead to cancer. But Dr. Bryan believes otherwise. "You should not avoid eating bacon because of the nitrate content," Bryan said. "If anything, the nitrate content is what protects our heart during a heart attack."

Bryan's research finds the nitrates in bacon forms a nitric oxide gas in the body. That can reopen blocked arteries, especially during a heart attack.

Obviously this is not widely accepted by the whole of medical community, and could in fact be a load of bollocks. But, for the time being I want to roll with this theory. In case I have a heart attack from a blocked artery due to the cholesterol in bacon, the nitrates will work to unblock that artery and get me going again. Sounds like a food utility belt doesn't it?

To this all I say. Huzzah to bacon!!



Anonymous said...

yummy!!!!! BACON

Lulu: said...
