Wednesday, September 24, 2008

If I were to ask you what the perfect food was, you would say bacon of course. Some of our more hippie inclined readers may say granola. But to them I say, what exactly are you doing here again? Go eat your human milk ice cream. In the mean time I was sent a picture tutorial for possible the greatest food product ever imagined, a truely sick and twisted individual came up with this. I feel that I should award them a medal, or some points. +1UP to you creator.

Thank you TWIS for this beautiful tip, even though I actually had to put some effort out on the picture work. 


P.S. to be honest with you I don't think I could even eat this, but that basket weave work is pure art. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

could it be?

whennnnnnn you wish upon a starrrrrrr. makes no difference who you arrrrrrre. cause when you wish upon a star your dreeeeeeams coooooooome truuuuuuuuuuuuue.

thank you tipstah shan.
